Category Archives: Employment Contracts and Agreements

How to Draft Employee Disciplinary Records to Protect Your Business

In this episode of California Employment News, Lukas Clary and Meagan Bainbridge discuss the importance of keeping detailed disciplinary records for all employees and explain what documents should be included.

Watch this episode on the Weintraub YouTube Channel here.

How to Comply With and Use Employee Record Requests to Your Advantage

In this episode of California Employment NewsLukas Clary and Meagan Bainbridge discuss steps that employers can take to comply with employee records requests while also mitigating the risk of potential workplace violation claims.

Watch this episode on the Weintraub YouTube Channel here.

The Erosion of Confidentiality Clauses in Settlement Agreements

In this episode of California Employment NewsLukas Clary and Meagan Bainbridge discuss the erosion of confidentiality clauses in settlement agreements and what employers can do about it.

Watch this episode on the Weintraub YouTube channel here.

PAGA: The Four-Letter Word of Employment Law

In this episode of California Employment NewsLukas Clary and Meagan Bainbridge discuss recent developments relating to the labor code Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) and steps that employers can take to mitigate the risk of PAGA exposure.

Watch this episode on the Weintraub YouTube channel here.

Best Practices for Employers to Start The New Year

Weintraub Tobin is pleased to announce the launch of California Employment News, a series of short, informational videos designed to keep California employers up-to-date on legal developments in employment law.

In this inaugural episode, Weintraub employment attorneys Meagan Bainbridge and Lukas Clary discuss best practices for employers to implement regularly, such as at the beginning of the year.

Watch this episode on the Weintraub YouTube channel here.